Sunday 4 May 2014

Story 2 -- Your appearance decides how others react to you.

Another  anecdote from our every day lives, which I would like to share with you.
The other day , one of my friends wanted me to accompany her to gather some information from a prospective school for her son's admission.
Now, this friend of mine is usually a little laid back and does not lay too much emphasis on her appearance and make up. 
That particular day, in the spirit of camaraderie I decided to dress down and did not wear even the basic make up which I usually do. 
And as luck would have it, my friend decided to go the whole way and dressed up very scrupulously.

Interesting ,and the life lesson ,for me , came along after we reached the school.
I was not given the expected reception by the counselling authorities ( though , I firmly believe that it was a subconscious reaction on their part).
Most of  my queries went half answered .
 If I happened to insist on some issue, they were quite impatient with me.  I must have come across as a non serious enquirer. I was totally unsuccessful in projecting my real self.
 Had I made even a slight effort in taking care of the Image I would be projecting, it would have given me a chance at least.
Being an Image Consultant, I was able to see the difference and attribute the cause of that situation.

My friend on the other hand was the Master of the Ceremony :)